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Easily access real time and historical data from the National Data Buoy Center.

Seebuoy provides an easy to use python interface to the National Data Buoy Center. Easily access realtime data, historical data, and metadata about buoys, gliders, and ADCPs.

Quick Start

Seebuoy provide's three main pieces of functionality:

  1. Stations: Information about all NDBC stations, buoys, and gliders.
  2. Available data: What data is available for each buoy.
  3. Get data: Retrieve data for the given buoy and dataset.

All of this functionality is available through the seebuoy.NDBC class. An example of this functionality is shown below:

from seebuoy import NDBC

ndbc = NDBC()

# Information on NDBC's ~1800 buoys and gliders
df_buoys = ndbc.stations()

# list all available data for all buoys
df_data = ndbc.available_data()

# get all data for a buoy
station_id = "41037"
df_buoy = ndbc.get_data(station_id)


In addition to this documentation, we also provide standalone jupyter notebooks. You can see them rendered on github:

  • North Carolina Stations: Find all buoys near North Carolina, list all available data, and pull data for a specific buoy.
  • Historical Data: Get all historical data for the South Hatteras buoy going back to 1973.

Additional Resources